We want every believer to have very specific ways to put the message that is preached into action. Our monthly themed "IMPACTIVATIONS" are designed so that you can make a positive impact in your personal life, your family's life , and your community's life!
Take a daily dose of joy by declaring Bible verses about them over yourself, or write down several declarations about the joy you want to have and declare them out loud. Really struggling to stay in a place of joy? Write these verses or declarations in a visible place in your home or at work, or set your phone alarm to go off numerous times a day and declare them over yourself until you can maintain your joy!
Here's a great verse to get you started!
"Now may God, the inspiration and foundation of hope, fill you to over flowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in Him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!" Psalm 15:13 TPT
Cultivate joy in your family! Plan a family night to play games, make Christmas goodies, take a drive to see Christmas lights, go sledding, or anything that cultivates joy in your family. If you don't have family in town, adopt one and invite them over! Family nights don't have to be expensive, some of the most joyful moments are free! Be intentional in how you build joy in your family this season!
Take the time to smile at people around you! Intentionally deposit joy in our community by smiling and complementing at least one person you don't know every day.