GOD, FAMILY & Community
“Let this hope burst forth within you, releasing a continual joy. Don’t give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times.”
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Guest Speaker: Tony Porterra - Shame
Senior Leaders
Brad & Jenny kyle
Brad and Jenny have been at HOPE since its birth in 2001 doing anything and everything with servants' hearts. Investing in leading nearly every ministry of HOPE since 2003. Read More..
Associate pastors
Justin & Jazzmin Hurless
Justin and Jazzmin served as Youth Pastors for 6 years before transitioning to Associate Pastors, leading HOPE’s School of Supernatural Ministry. Justin and Jazzmin have a heart to see a cross generation revival. Read More…
associate pastors
Micheal & Dena puzella
Michael and Dena share an amazing testimony of living a life of purity in their relationship. They model a marriage based on mutual respect, love and cooperation, positively influencing not only their four wonderful children but the rest of the HOPE Family as well. Read More…
SIGNIFICANCE of the aspen leaf
1. Aspen trees are not solitary trees. They exist in a grove or colony that originates from a single seedling but can grow to cover many acres of land. The grove or colony is made up of many individual trees, all sharing one common root beginning, one common root system, one original parent tree. Each tree within the grove or colony is unique and yet stands as one among a family of trees. Because they are connected through their root system, the entire grove or colony is only as strong as its individual trees. Therefore, we at HOPE, at our core, are a family held together in Christ, who desires to help people live healthy, whole lives through their relationship with God and each other. We are only as healthy as our individual families and relationships that comprise HOPE.
2. The leaves of the aspen are not very large, averaging only 1-1/2 to 3 inches in length and 1-1/4 – 2 inches in width, yet together the leaves make a mighty quaking sound. We believe that God has called us to join our sound collectively with the sound of other Kingdom minded churches to release His mighty sound in Casper and around the world. We believe that God is using HOPE to release a new spiritual sound in Wyoming and around the world.
Location & Contact
620 South Walnut Street Casper, Wyoming 82601
Phone: (307) 472-4673