“Marriage is the beautiful design of the Almighty, a great mystery of Christ and his church. So every married man should be gracious to his wife just as he is gracious to himself. And every wife should be tenderly devoted to her husband.”
HOPE Church views healthy family as a priority and healthy marriages are a core of a healthy family. HOPE Church looks for new and dynamic ways to offer support for marriages.
Healthy Family includes individual units and community connection as a priority. Fellowship and fun together help bring joy and health to families. Family Events are designed to facilitate these joy filled connections.
Opportunities for Marriage Support include: One-on-One meeting time HOPE Groups focused on marriage, weekend events, marriage crisis help, parenting support.
Family Events are scheduled and advertised monthly.
“Who could ever find a wife like this one — she is a woman of strength and mighty valor! She’s full of wealth and wisdom. Her husband has entrusted his heart to her, for she brings him the rich spoils of victory.”
Time for us
marriage conference
God's heart for us is to have thriving marriages. Join us for a time to focus on your relationship, to connect and have fun with each other. The workshop will begin Friday, January 17th @ 6PM with dinner to start at the Best Western Downtown Casper. Please pay a Non-Refundable $100 along with your registration ($100 goes towards total couple fee). $300 per couple is due by January 7th, this fee includes the Workshop, Hotel Stay (Friday & Saturday Night) including all meals through Sunday morning!
For information regarding marriage ministry at HOPE:
Marriage & Family Pastors: Michael & Dena Puzella
Marriage & Family Pastors
Michael & Dena Puzella
Dena and Michael Puzella have been members of HOPE’s Family since shortly after it began in 2001. They are dedicated and devoted family members who willingly serve wherever they can, volunteering to help in countless ways throughout the years. Dena is a highly-skilled administrator with an exceptional gift for organizing large events and special projects. She is an invaluable help to the ministries that she administrates including HSM, the Hospitality ministries, Marriage Ministry, HOPE’s Christmas Dinners and HOPE’s Family Dinners, but she is also a strong support to the pastor’s individual administrative needs. Michael and Dena share an amazing testimony of living a life of purity in their relationship. They model a marriage based on mutual respect, love and cooperation, positively influencing not only their four wonderful children but the rest of the HOPE Family as well.