It's not a retreat, it's an advance.

HOPE Encounters are divinely appointed weekends with God. This is a time for you to find the love of the Father as demonstrated through the cross of Jesus Christ and the guiding of Holy Spirit. Through spiritual healing, the breaking down of internal walls, and identifying spiritual blind spots, you are able to encounter the Lord's promised freedom and identity as His beloved Child. The purpose is to help you live more firmly rooted in Christ. It doesn't take long to establish identity and freedom, but there is no such thing as instant maturity. Renewing your mind and conforming to the image of God is a lifelong process. HOPE Encounters equip you with tools to be an over comer in the challenges of life.  A time to deepen your relationship with God and allow the Holy Spirit to show how deeply you are loved. A time to discover freedom by learning to live from the heart God gave you!

HOPE Pre-Encounter

Pre-Encounter meetings are typically held the Monday evening prior to the Encounter weekend. The Pre-Encounter is a required meeting that will help you prepare for the Encounter. During this time we will go over what to expect at the Encounter, have a couple of teachings, complete a few administrative tasks and gather your completed Personal Inventories as well as final payments for the Encounter. Pre-Encounter meetings generally last 2 hours.


Personal Inventory

To print Personal Inventory Checklist Click Here
To pick up a printed Personal Inventory Checklist please visit our HOPE Office.
Call the HOPE Office to set up a pick up time - 307-472-4673

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
— 1 Peter 2:9 NIV

"The heart of every believer in Christ longs for genuine worship. I couldn't raise my hands and could only squeak out my praises to the Lord because I was uncomfortable or nervous of what people would think of me.  Sometimes I would even duck out to the bathroom during portions of the music!  Deep down I longed to worship my King without fear.  I went to the Encounter weekend, and I actually felt Jesus take the axe to the chains that held me down.  It was my beginning of genuine worship.  I am now free to express my love for Him in action and voice!  I am able to come to the Throne-room in confidence and don't even think about taking a trip to the bathroom!  Thanks be to God!"
- J.K.

"Went (to the Encounter) highly addicted but came home free.  All the chains were gone."
- J.G.

"I've been saved since I was 9, therefore I thought I had been a believer.  I went to an Encounter, and after finding out I had been deceived in many ways for many years, the Lord awakened me.  Now I know the true power, authority, peace and joy that can only come from Jesus Christ."

- R.N.

“There was no condemnation. I told all my dirt and no one condemned me.”

- S.L. 

HOPE Encounter Costs

To pay for Encounter Click Here
$80 total ($20 deposit upon sign up, $60 due at the Pre-Encounter meeting)


If you're interested in signing up call the HOPE Office at 307-472-4673 or
Men’s Encounter - Sign up
Women’s Encounter - sign up

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Ministry Directors

Bill & Linda Beckton

Bill and Linda have been in Ministry together before they were married in 1983. They ran in home bible fellowships. Eventually they attended Hope and became Hope Encounter and Sozo directors. They are also Elders of Hope Church. Bill enjoys helping others better understand their identity in Christ, that God is a loving Father and that they are His beloved sons. For Bill, worship is a life-style, not a weekly church event. One of the most enjoyable things for Linda is when she sees people really “get it” and experience who the Lord is and how much He loves them. Bill and Linda love helping people get inner freedom through Sozo and Encounter ministry and helping them discover their true identity.

It is not what we do that determines who we are. It is who we are that determines what we do.
— Neil T. Anderson